The breeder Thierry Félix and his gardians will be happy to welcome you in Aimargues, in Petite Camargue, where horses and bulls graze in large green spaces.

Services : presentation of the breeding, sorting, ferrade, cow race and meals with local specialties.

Additional services : room rental (laupio, unclosed shelter) with bullfighting performances.

Cold meat sale and PDO Camargue bull meat

Capacity : 15 to 350 people

manade félix manade félix manade félix

Authentic and passionate manadiers.

Some Camargue bull breeders, the manadiers, share their passion and their know-how with the public they welcome. Their traditional services are aimed primarily at groups (presentation of breeding, sorting, ferrade, cow race in their own arena, gardians games and meals with local flavors) but also to individuals at Camarguaises vigils. A Quality Charter, of which the Félix manade is a signatory, guaranteeing a welcome and a quality service.



Prices in Euro from Min Max

Usefull informations
