If you say the word HEART OF LITTLE CAMARGUE...


Make no mistake! Despite its name, the PETITE Camargue is great in the richness and diversity of its landscapes and its terroir.

It offers a cocoon of well-being, flavors, mysteries and even a hint of adrenaline for those who want to venture into the very heart of Camargue traditions . Everything is opposed and yet everything comes together in our territory.

Between vineyards and ponds, the Camargue Gardoise offers unique and singular landscapes and ecosystems. Endowed with a remarkable natural heritage, land of traditions and bullfighting culture, it obtained the label " Grand Site de France " in January 2014, renewed in 2023 and intends to keep it.

It is lived passionately with the authenticity that characterizes it, like our traditions. The summer period is particularly favorable for organizing festivities around the bull.


From East to West, the Rhône-Sète canal crosses our territory. It is a real link between the wetlands and the coastal areas.

On the south side, the Camargue and its large reed beds occupy the ponds. A hidden and cozy nest for birds and a migration space for some, they offer a habitat conducive to a rich and unique animal and plant biodiversity.


On the north side , on the other side of the canal, the Costières hillsides offer landscapes with exceptional viewpoints. These Protected Designation of Origin vineyards blend harmoniously with the scrubland.

Yet visually, wherever we are, from north to south, from east to west and vice versa, one or the other reminds us of itself and challenges us, one by its green colors and the other by its gradient of blue colors.

The Costières and the Camargue gradually join together, gently, to become one: the Petite Camargue. In such a territory, the Men and Women who live there can only be authentic and welcoming towards those who wish to explore all the riches of their "Country". They are eager to transmit their Passion and Love of this corner of paradise to those who want to discover it.

We are waiting for you…