Du Vendredi 17 mai au Lundi 20 mai 2024
Traditions taurines camarguaises

Lou Senglié Bullfighting Club Party

The Cailar


Friday May 17

Educational day on bullfighting traditions

2:30 p.m. , Workshops on Camargue traditions, costumes, Intervention by Raseteurs, Manadiers and herdsmen games, with the Agnel herd - At the arenas

7:00 p.m. , Bodega Evening with Surprise and on-site catering - At the arenas


Saturday May 18

11:00 a.m. , Abrivado with the Agnel herd

4:00 p.m. , Young Bull Race

Manades Félix, Saint Pierre, Rousseau and Jacques Bon

6:00 p.m. , Bandido


Sunday May 19

11:30 a.m. , Abrivado with the Aubanel herd

4:00 p.m. , New Taus Race

Manades Nicollin, Vinuesa, Agnel and Fanfonne Guillierme

6:00 p.m. , Bandido


Monday May 20

11:30 a.m. , Abrivado with the Aubanel and Agnel herds

4:00 p.m. , New Taus Race

Manades Saumade, Lagarde, Aubanel and Blatière Bessac

6:00 p.m. , Bandido of 20 bulls


Noon and evening : Dancing aperitif - Café de l’Avenir


Aux Arènes


Le Cailar