Du Jeudi 20 juin au Vendredi 27 septembre 2024
Traditions taurines camarguaises

A demonstration of the traditional work of bull breeders, a typical local and Camargue meal, all complemented by a musical atmosphere.

Come and discover our traditions in an idyllic setting.


Manade Saint Louis in Montcalm

Every Wednesday in July and August at 7:00 p.m.

Visit of the herd with commentary by the herdsman, ferrade, herdsmen and cow games in the arenas.

Dinner with aperitif (Sangria or fruit juice), Brasucade of mussels, starter, guardian of bull, dessert, wines and coffee)

All accompanied by a group of gypsy guitarists.


Prices: 42 € / pers - 25 € / from 4 to 13 years old

Manade Saint Louis - Mas de la Paix - 30600 Montcalm

Reservations: 06 25 73 84 85


Manade Martini in Franquevaux

Every Wednesday & Friday in August at 6.30 p.m.

 Fridays September 01, 08 and 29.

Visit by cart of the breeding and sorting of bulls, Gaze (passage of the bulls in the water), Musical show Régine PASCAL and Thomas and his horses

Aperitif Brasoucade of mussels and traditional meal (Mixed salad, Wednesday Taureau in the old style and Friday Taureau blanquette style accompanied by Camargue rice, cheese, dessert, wine & coffee)


Prices : 41 € / Adult - 8 € / Children from 12 years old

Route de Gallician (Les Petits Prés) - 30640 Franquevaux Reservations: 06 81 50 13 43


Manade Agnel in Le Cailar

Every Thursday at 6.30 p.m.

Thursdays 07 & 14 September

Presentation of the herd, sorting of cattle, gardian games, bandido, musical entertainment Ramoucho & the Gipsy

Traditional meal (Mixed salad and bull terrine, Camargue AOP bull guardian, rice, cheese, Aigues-Mortes fougasse, red wine, rosé, coffee)


Prices : 38 € / Adult - 18 € for children from 6 to 14 years old

Mas les Hourtès - 30740 Le Cailar - Reservations: 06 12 33 57 48



Manade Lafisca à Le Cailar 

Every Wednesday in August at 6.00 p.m.

Tous les mercredis de juillet et août (A partir du 12 juillet)

Presentation of the herd, sorting of cattle, gardian games, bandido, musical entertainment

Camargue and Provencal buffet

Tarifs 37 € / Adult - 18,5 € for children from 12 years old

Manade Lafisca - 30740 Le Cailar

Réservations : 06 27 24 09 34


Montcalm - Franquevaux - Le Cailar

OT : 04 66 88 28 52

Manade Agnel le Cailar
Taureau de camargue
soirée camarguaise manade
Manade Agnel