In the heart of the Petite Camargue, an old restored Mas in the authentic, offers a warm and friendly welcome. In respect of the Camargue traditions, the Groul family invites you to discover and share their passion.

Services: presentation of the breeding in trailer towed, sorting, ferrade, cow race and meal with local specialties

Additional services: room rental (laupio (unclosed shelter) room) with wedding organization, baptism, birthdays, family celebrations and summer Camaguaise vigils

Capacity: from 10 to 500 people

manade Saint-Louis manade Saint-Louis manade Saint-Louis manade Saint-Louis manade Saint-Louis

Visit the manade in a different way

Karine, the owner, invites you to discover the manad in a more intimate way in a private 4x4.

You will approach the bulls and horses of the Camargue as close as possible.

Guided tour from 1h30 to 2h00 on reservation.(min 2 p)


Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. - Towed trailer tour at the foot of the Tour Carbonnière Breeding tour, sorting demonstration, pony ride for children  - Glass of friendship (2h00)

Price: 20 euros per adult and 12 euros for children aged 4 to 12

Every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. - Visit in a towed trailer to the foot of the Tour Carbonnière and bull gase Farm visit, sorting demonstration, pony ride for children + "Gase" de taureaux (bulls crossing a marsh) - Glass of friendship (2h00)

Price: 25 euros per adult and 15 euros for children aged 4 to 12 



Prices in Euro from Min Max
Camarguaises vigils 25 child 45 adult
4x4 tour 20 child 30 adult
Services By appointment By appointment
Visites estivales du jeud 15 enfant 25 adulte

Usefull informations

  • Languages : French
  • Services : disabled access, coach parking
  • Payment methods : checks, holiday vouchers, bank cards, transfers
